Post by %Post by NefeshBarYochaiThe pontiff simply says what needs to be said.
and then we can sell nosefenders
You know what January 20th is? D-Day for the Ukraine because Grumpy
Trumpy owes Vladimir Putin big time for getting him elected president in
2016. Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un will both be our next world leaders
and Trump will then be locked up and the keys thrown into the nearest
ocean along with that river rat Elon Muskrat. I'm looking forward to
seeing America getting obliterated in World War III and hold both
Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un in the highest esteem. You should
volunteer for the Soviet Red Army they told me I was too old to join. It
can still be a good 2025 with those two bookends Muskrat and Grumpy
Trumpy out of the way. Mr. Penis tried to run me off the alt.dss.hack
newsgroup but I'm still working on the P5 hack for the entire world of
free tv.