WHY Is Rudy So Deathly Jealous of Me?
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2024-06-26 03:45:38 UTC
Does anyone have any idea why?

I do.

Since Rudy Canoza, the forever mental and physical midget, has *NEVER* been a
three sport letterman, like me, and who was *NEVER* a bouncer, like me, and who
was *NEVER* an assistant golf pro, like me, and who was *NEVER* a lifeguard,
like me, and who *NEVER* dunked a basketball, like me, and has *NEVER* laid as
many women as me...


(this is just to make Rudy's head explode. This is not meant as a boast or
brag. Rudy's the one who compiled all of these together after I might have
mentioned them over the last 30 years, in passing... never to brag about them.
If it seems like bragging, it's ONLY because it bothers the SHIT out of Rudy. I
claim NONE of what I post as anything "special", since MANY have done the EXACT
same things. I started here in 1993 and Rudy's jealousy brought these to the
forefront... not me... PROVING Rudy's nothing but a spineless, jealous, short,
basement-dwelling mommy's boy)

... I was a 3 sport letterman, a bouncer in THREE different restaurants / bars
/ lounges / discos (Chan's, Victor's Jamaica Joe's), an assistant golf pro, a
lifeguard on the white sand beaches of Ft. Walton/Destin, (getting more pussy
in a week, than you did your whole life), dunked a basketball at 5'9" for first
time in 11th grade, played college baseball AND basketball (dual scholarships),
and dated the captain of the cheer-leading squad as a SOPHOMORE in high school.
(there was no freshman class)

Poor jealous Rudy:

Rudy, The Insanely Jealous Narcissist

Rudy, the narcissist, usually has a deep need to be better than everyone else.
This makes him likely to become jealous of anyone he perceives as better than
him in any possible way.

Surprisingly, you don't have to be better in a real sense for you to trigger
his jealousy.

As long as you have any advantage he doesn't have, that's enough to make him
jealous. Sometimes jealousy can force Rudy the narcissist to act in ways that
defy normal human behaviour.

Jealousy is one of the emotions that makes Rudy, the narcissist, both hilarious
and sad.

A Sense of Competition:

A sense of competition, real or perceived can trigger jealous narcissists,
like Rudy.

Surpassing a narcissist, like Rudy, at anything that you are both involved in
or succeeding at something he failed at, can make him extremely jealous.

Rudy Has Low Self-Esteem:

Rudy, the narcissist, may not be jealous of someone on Usenet, who is better
looking, as long as he is confident in his looks.


But, he isn't, so he isn't confident in his ability to socialize. Rudy is
always jealous of his social and Usenet rivals, who make him look like the runt
child he is... daily.

Actually... Rudy, the narcissist, makes himself look like a child. We do not
need to help him in this realm.

Because Rudy, the narcissist has very low self-esteem behind the mask of ultra-
confidence, he becomes very jealous of anyone who has genuine confidence...
like those he pretends to be better than.

They Are Happier Than Rudy:

When a narcissist is depressed, he doesn't like to see someone happier and
excited, especially if that person makes him look stupid... which is usually

This is because he knows that a happy person is powerful. Powerful enough to
make him feel like a worthless turd... that is, until that person makes a
spelling or grammar mistake.

Rudy's self-esteem is so low, that even though HE'S fucked up so many times,
grammatically and spelling-wise, he still has to show his imaginary
superiority, by pointing out others' mistakes.

When you are happy, you became more confident, assertive and clear-minded. On
the other hand, when a person is sad or depressed, he usually feels weak and
vulnerable, like Rudy, who lashes out at those he sees as his superiors.

When a narcissist, like Rudy is depressed, feelings of vulnerability that
accompany depression make him see a happy person as a threat, especially when
it's a person that he doesn't get along with, which is 99.9% of Usenet, since
he's a homophobic racist, who insults everyone, because Rudy HATES everyone he
thinks is his superior.

Rudy Is Insecure:

Insecurities make a person doubt his ability to keep anyone interested.

If he is financially unsuccessful (well... YEAH!) and believes that his Usenet
rivals are MORE successful (well... duh!), he may be very jealous their

Rudy, the narcissist, hates it when people around him are better in every
possible way. He needs to be above everybody else in order to feel superior,
and have the ability to sleep.

For this reason, he becomes very jealous of anyone he sees as superior than
him, especially when there is a sense of competition.

We Are Stealing His Attention:

refutations. He only replies to say, "play with me!"

Rudy doesn't have the mental capacity to form his own opinions on subject
matters that are above his head, so he simply replies in the negative, even if
it's proven that the OP is correct in everything he says or quotes.

Because he thinks that he is better than common people, Rudy believes that he
deserves more attention than the average Usenet member.

Getting the attention that a narcissist believes HE deserves, can cause a lot
of jealousy.

Poor Rudy.
2024-06-26 04:26:22 UTC
On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:17:20 -0500, super70s says...
Post by AlleyCat
Does anyone have any idea why?
I do.
Did Rudy rattle your cage at all in his post? You sound jealous because
he left you out.
Ahhh... when he does it, it's fine, huh?

Toddler's gay too?

Doesn't surprise me.

Rudy's doing it to get on other's nerves and to entice a reply to him, because
he's a lonely little basement worm seeking attention.

I'm simply giving him that attention... why the fuck do YOU care, Toddler?

Seems like it's YOUR crib that's being rattled?


Gay Narcissistic Personality Disorder And Gay Rudy + Toddler

Gay Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition often erroneously mistaken
for overconfidence or conceitedness.

"Professor Canoza"

Sufferers will often monopolize conversations, BELITTLE OTHERS, freely express
ABUSIVE in the face of perceived criticism which raises feelings of insecurity
and shame.

There is a theory that gay men, like Rudy, may be particularly susceptible to
narcissistic personality disorder(BINGO!), as a result of subconscious feelings
of intense inadequacy, for which narcissism is an over-compensation.

Counseling for gay men can offer the opportunity to discuss and resolve these
issues. Unresolved, the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder can have
serious consequences, in terms of failure to form meaningful relationships,
build friendships, develop careers and...


Common indicators

Criteria for diagnosing narcissistic personality disorder are generally
considered to be an exaggerated sense of self-importance, feeling superior and
expecting to be considered superior by others, exaggerating achievements,
fantasizing about spectacular successes, demanding constant admiration and
compliance, taking advantage of others while struggling to recognize their
needs and feelings, believing they are envied by others and generally behaving
arrogantly. Psychotherapy and counseling for gay men, like Rudy, can help open
the process of exploring issues that underlie these responses.

When to seek help

Often people experiencing narcissistic personality disorder put off seeking
clinical intervention. Their erroneous self-perception as powerful and perfect
isolates them from others including medical professionals, and they generally
only seek treatment when they experience associated symptoms of depression, as
a result of perceived slights or rejections with which they struggle to cope.

Early medical intervention

If you recognize personality traits that are common to narcissistic personality
disorder, or you're experiencing depression, anxiety or a disabling sadness,
you should consider contacting your own doctor to discuss these feelings and
related concerns, or contacting an experienced counselor or psychiatrist in
London who may be able to offer insight, perspective and the counseling that
allows you to confront this life-limiting condition. Getting appropriate
treatment could make your life more rewarding and enjoyable.
2024-06-26 04:31:48 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:17:20 -0500, super70s says...
Post by AlleyCat
Does anyone have any idea why?
I do.
Did Rudy rattle your cage at all in his post? You sound jealous because
he left you out.
Ahhh... when he does it, it's fine, huh?
Toddler's gay too?
Doesn't surprise me.
What are you babbling incoherently about, child molester?
Post by AlleyCat
Oh... and I AM a child molester. Molested MANY a child,
2024-06-26 05:11:14 UTC
On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:31:48 -0500, super70s says...
Post by super70s
Post by AlleyCat
On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:17:20 -0500, super70s says...
Post by AlleyCat
Does anyone have any idea why?
I do.
Did Rudy rattle your cage at all in his post? You sound jealous because
he left you out.
Ahhh... when he does it, it's fine, huh?
Toddler's gay too?
Doesn't surprise me.
What are you babbling incoherently about, child molester?
You know exactly what I said, hence your non-confrontational reply.
Post by super70s
Post by AlleyCat
Oh... and I AM a child molester. Molested MANY a child...
... that were of age.
Call a cop, jealous toddler.


Holier-than-thou LIBERAL Canadians, think they're soooo superior when it comes
to slavery, because they "ended" it (not really) a mere 30 years earlier.

Canada "ended" slavery a mere 30 years before Lincoln wrote the "Emancipation

HOW does that make Canada ANY "better" or different? It doesn't.

Canada's Shameful, Modern-Day Slave Trade

Colonial Canada Had Slavery For More Than 200 Years. And Yes, It Still Matters

More Canadians Say Racism Is A "Serious Problem" Today Than 1 Year Ago

Canada Urged To Open Its Eyes To Systemic Racism In Wake Of Police Violence

Racism In Canada Is Ever-Present, But We Have A Long History Of Denial

Majority (60%) See Racism as a Serious Problem in Canada Today, Up 13 points
Since Last Year

Nearly a Third of Canadians (28%) Say They Have Personally Experienced Racism
in the Past Year - 24 July 2020

Canada's Enduring Legacy Of Power, Politics And Racism

75 Per Cent of Canadians Polled, Say Royal Canadian Mounted Police Has Systemic
Racism Issue

Systemic Racism In The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Force


Holier-than-thou LIBERAL Canadians, think they're soooo superior when it comes
to slavery, because they "ended" it (not really) a mere 30 years earlier.

The Reality of Anti-Black Racism in Canada | BCG
Anti-Black racism in Canada is worse than most Canadians want to believe. With
the COVID-19 pandemic amplifying the injustices against Black People, it is now
more important than ever for Canadians to take action.

Racism & the Canadian historical past ...
The Canadian response to racism south of the border will be described as an
Americanization of Canadian historical past. The media's lack of protection of
racism in Canada, in its traditionally correct context, is a trigger for
concern. Totally different histories of racism.

Racism in Canada | News, Videos & Articles
Canadian MPs vote to condemn Atlanta mass shooting, anti-Asian racism. The move
comes days after eight people were killed by a white gunman in Atlanta. Six of
the victims were Asian American women ...

Anti-Asian Racism Lead, The Canadian Race Relations ...
The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) was created in 1996 to reaffirm
the principles of justice and equality for all in Canada. The CRRF's mandate is
to facilitate throughout Canada the development, sharing, and application of
knowledge and expertise to eliminate racism and all forms of racial
discrimination in Canadian society.

Is Canada a racist country? One-third of respondents in a ...
Jun 21, 2021
One-third of respondents in a new study say yes. Most Canadians agree that
Canada's diverse population makes it a better country. But on the question of
whether or not Canada is a racist country ...

Most Canadians Experience Racism ... - New Canadian Media
Canadian racism is sometimes called 'polite' and is characterized by
microaggressions, but that is a misnomer. Words like that are used to deflect
criticisms and differentiate Canada from the United States, says Henry, though
she does see similar ideologies and motivations.

Canada Must Withdraw From Racist Core Group - Yves Angler
The least Canadian antiracist activists should do is educate themselves about
racism in foreign affairs. There is no justification for Canada participating
in this nakedly imperialist alliance. All Canadians of conscience owe a debt of
solidarity to the people of Haiti. We must demand Ottawa immediately withdraw
from the racist Core Group.

Sikh Canadians Surge Politically In "Systemically Racist ...
"The reality is, our Canada is a place of racism, of violence." - NDP Party
Leader Jagmeet Singh, June 14th 2021. An unprecedented event occurred last
night in Alberta, Canada. Sikh-Canadian candidates won in both Calgary and
Edmonton mayoral elections.. Jhoti Gondek is the first Sikh-Canadian to become
mayor of Calgary. She will be taking over from Naheed Nenshi, three-time winner
as ...

Racism at IRCC could determine who gets in - New Canadian ...

IRCC employees are reporting racist workplace behaviour such as racially-
charged microaggressions at work, says survey. NCM reporter Isabel Inclan
reports on the deeper fallout. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
(IRCC) employees remain skeptical of the measures in place to tackle racism at
their workplace, according to a new report.


Study Finds Startling New Data On Homophobia In Canadian Classrooms ...


WINNIPEG - Rampant homophobia stalks the hallways and classrooms of Canadian
schools, according to a key finding of a national study on homophobia in
Canadian schools to be released Thursday...


As Anti-LGBTQ2 Hate Grows In Canada, Advocates Say It's 'Never Been As ...


The solution, they say, is education and support from allies to counter
homophobia and anti-trans hate - particularly baseless accusations of
pedophilia and "grooming" children, which they say...


Anti-LGBTQ2 Protests Are On The Rise In Canada: What's Going On?


WATCH: Family-friendly, drag storytime performances for children have become
frequent targets of hatred and backlash against the LGBTQ2S+ community. - Mar
11, 2023. A U.S. data tracker has found ...


Canada A 'Laggard' On Homophobia In Sports, Studies Show


"Canada has been a laggard globally, full stop. There's no other way to say
that." Young people who came out were significantly more likely (58 per cent
versus 40 per cent) to report they'd been...


People Of Colour Say Racism, Exclusion, Fetishization, Rampant In ...


A report by Egale Canada Human Rights Trust details that lesbian, bisexual and
transgender women, as well as gender diverse and two-spirit people, encounter
discrimination, stigmatization and...


Liberals, NDP Note Rise Of LGBTQ2S+ Hate In Canada | CTV News


Marking the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia,
federal lawmakers are drawing attention to an increase in hate and violence
directed at members of the LGBTQ2S ...


Survey Shows LGBTQ Youth Still Feel Unsafe In Canadian Schools


(Jane Robertson/CBC) A national organization says homophobia in Canadian
schools hasn't improved much over the last decade. Egale Canada conducted a
survey in 2012 that showed 64 per cent of...


Experiences Of Violent Victimization And Unwanted ... - Statistics Canada


According to the 2018 Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces (SSPPS), an
estimated 1 million people in Canada are sexual minorities-that is, they
reported their sexual orientation as gay, lesbian, bisexual or a sexual
orientation that is not heterosexual-representing 4% of the population of
Canada 15 years of age and older.


Apology To LGBTQ2 Communities - Women And Gender Equality Canada


On November 28, 2017, the Prime Minister delivered a formal apology in the
House of Commons to individuals harmed by federal legislation, policies and
practices that led to the oppression of and discrimination against two-spirit,
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in Canada.


Statement On International Day Against Homophobia ... - Canada.Ca


The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia gives us an
opportunity to reaffirm the equality of LGBTQ2I persons and also strengthen
alliances and partnerships. Through education and dialogue, the world has seen
progress in recent years. Several countries have taken



'Worst In The World': Here Are All The Rankings In Which Canada Is Now Last

Most Unaffordable Housing, Highest Cell phone Bills And Worst Rate of Acute
Care Beds, To Name A Few

If you spend any time on social media, it's likely that you've seen this
graphic compiled by columnist Stephen Lautens that assembles 11 international
indices which feature Canada near the top spot. "Canada is broken? I don't
think so. Neither does the world," reads a caption.

Next time someone rants on how about how "broken" Canada is; or how badly we
are doing on the international stage... share some facts.

Numbers don't lie, Felicia.


Naturally, it only tells a partial picture. While Canada may dominate abstract
indices such as "quality of life" and "peace," there are plenty of far more
empirical indicators in which we measurably rank as among the worst in the
developed world.

There's plenty to like about Canada, but below is a not-at-all comprehensive
list of all the ways in which we are indeed very broken.


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is essentially a
club of the world's 38 most developed countries. And when these 38 are ranked
against each other for housing unaffordability, Canada emerges as the clear
champion. OECD analysts rank affordability by comparing average home prices to
average incomes, and according to their latest quarterly rankings Canada was
No. 1 for salaries that were most out of whack with the cost of a home.

Housing by price to income ratio for the second quarter of 2022. That's Canada
on the extreme right.



Every year, the Finnish telecom analyst Rewheel ranks the world's most
expensive countries for wireless services. And last year, Canada once again
dominated. Across several metrics, Canada was found to be the most expensive
place in the world for mobile data. Analysts found that it would cost the
average Canadian the equivalent of at least 100 Euros to obtain a cell phone
plan with at least 100 gigabytes of mobile data. Across much of the EU, that
kind of cell phone plan could be had for less than 40 Euros.


Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile
data as companies in France or Ireland.

Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile
data as companies in France or Ireland. Photo by Rewheel


Canada's health system was particularly walloped by COVID-19 due to the simple
fact that most of our hospitals are at the breaking point even in good times.
Multiple times during the pandemic, provinces were forced into shutdown by
rates of COVID that had barely been noticed in better-prepared countries. A
ranking by the Canadian Institute for Health Information provides one clue as
to why. When ranked against peer countries, Canada's rate of per-capita acute
care beds was in last place, albeit tied with Sweden. Canada has two acute care
beds for every 1,000 people, against 3.1 in France and six in Germany.


For at least 15 years now, Canada has been a regular contender on rankings of
overheated housing markets. And the latest UBS index of world cities with
"bubbly" real estate markets is no exception. In their 2021 index, Toronto was
second only to Frankfurt in terms of bubble risk, while Vancouver ranked sixth.
Aside from Germany, Canada was the only country that saw two of its cities in
the top ten.


Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble
risks," and they're both in Canada.

Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble
risks," and they're both in Canada. Photo by UBS Global Real Estate Bubble
Index 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in the most feverish global accumulation of debt
in the history of human civilization. So it's rather remarkable that amidst
this international monsoon of debt, Canada still managed to out-debt everyone
else. Last year, analysts at Bloomberg tracked each country's rate of public
and private debt accumulated during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Canada came in with an overall debt burden equivalent to 352 per cent of GDP.
While a handful of countries (Japan, France and Hong Kong) came out of the
pandemic with higher overall debt burdens, Canada outranked all of them when it
came to how quickly that debt had been accumulated.

Containers on rail cars waiting to be shipped east by rail at the Port of
Vancouver Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Photo by (Photo by Jason Payne/ PNG)



Last year - just as the global supply chain crisis got going - the World Bank
decided to rank the performance of the world's 370 major ports. Authors weighed
factors such as how long the ports kept ships waiting, and how long crews took
to unload a vessel. And when everything was added together, the Port of
Vancouver ranked 368 out of 370. The only places with worse scores were the
Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach. And it's not like our other
ports are much better. If Vancouver is too gummed up, you can always sail north
to Prince Rupert, which ranks 339 out of 370.


Take that, Los Angeles and Long Beach. Photo by World Bank Group

Queues at Toronto Pearson International Airport. Photo by Peter J.
Thompson/National Post



Flight delays are another category in which basically the entire world is
feeling the pinch. And yet, Canada still managed to outdo all of them. Last
month, CNN used data from the website FlightAware to figure out which airports
were seeing the highest rates of flight delays. In the number one spot was
Toronto Pearson, with 52 per cent of all flights out of the airport
experiencing some kind of delay. And it was a commanding lead; the second-place
finisher, Frankfurt, only managed to see 45.4 per cent of its flights delayed.
Toronto was also a contender in flight cancellations; with 6.9 per cent of its
scheduled flights never getting off the ground, it ranked fourth worst in the


A 2020 study out of the University of Calgary tracked foreign investment flows
into a cross-section of developed countries between 2015 and 2019. Virtually
every country on the list saw a surge in foreign cash during that period;
Ireland topped out the ranking thanks to its foreign investment climbing by
more than 115 per cent. Only four countries actually saw a reduction in foreign
investment: Mexico, Brazil, Australia and Canada. A report by the Business
Council of Canada noticed the same trend. "Canada is the second-worst in the
OECD on openness to foreign direct investment," it concluded.



In 2019, the International Energy Agency examined the fuel economy of the
world's private car fleets. On almost every measure, Canada led the pack in
driving unnecessarily huge, gas-guzzling vehicles. Per kilometre driven, the
average Canadian burned more fuel and emitted more carbon dioxide than anyone
else. Canadian cars were also the largest and (second only to the U.S.) the
heaviest. While it would be convenient to blame this on Canada being a sparse,
cold country with lots of heavy industry, our ranking was well beyond plenty of
other countries where that was similarly the case.
Governor Swill
2024-06-26 17:52:33 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:17:20 -0500, super70s says...
Post by AlleyCat
Does anyone have any idea why?
I do.
Did Rudy rattle your cage at all in his post? You sound jealous because
he left you out.
Ahhh... when he does it, it's fine, huh?
Does what? Post bullshit and then run away? That's not his schtick. It's not yours
either. You tend to double down on your lies and distortions.

NP: John Williams - Hedwig's Theme
2024-06-27 00:33:27 UTC
On Wed, 26 Jun 2024 13:52:33 -0400, swill says...
Post by Governor Swill
You tend to double down on your lies
Name ONE lie.


Here is a List of Democrats Charged/Convicted of SEX Crimes

Democratic New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, plead guilty to transferring
obscene material to a MINOR as part of a plea agreement for SEXTED and sending
Twitter DMs to UNDERAGE GIRLS as YOUNG as 15.

Democratic donor and billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, ran an UNDERAGE CHILD SEX
brothel and was convicted of soliciting UNDERAGE GIRLS for prostitution.

Democratic donor, activist, and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is being
criminally prosecuted and civilly sued for years of SEXUAL ABUSE (that was well
known "secret" in Hollywood) including UNDERAGE SEXUAL activities with aspiring
female actresses.

Democratic activist and #metoo proponent, Asia Argento, settled a lawsuit for
SEXUAL HARASSMENT stemming from SEXUAL activities with an UNDERAGE actor.

Democratic Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, Gary Becker, was convicted of attempted

Democratic Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned after multiple accusations of CHILD
SEXUAL ABUSE were levied against him including by family members.

Democratic activist and aid to NYC Mayor De Blasio, Jacob Schwartz was arrested
on possession of 3,000+ CHILD PORNOGRAPHIC images.

Democratic activist and actor, Russell Simmons, was sued based on an allegation
of SEXUAL ASSAULT where he coerced an UNDERAGE model for SEX.

Democratic Governor of Oregon, Neil Goldschmidt, after being caught by a
newspaper, publicly admitted to having a past SEXUAL relationship with a 13-
year-old GIRL after the statute of limitations on the rape charges had expired.

Democratic Illinois Congressman, Mel Reynolds resigned from Congress after he
was convicted of STATUTORY RAPE of a 16-year-old campaign volunteer.

Democratic New York Congressman, Fred Richmond, was arrested in Washington D.C.
for soliciting SEX from a 16-year-old BOY. Democratic activist, donor, and
director, Roman Polanski, fled the country after pleading guilty to STATUTORY
RAPE of a 13-year-old GIRL. Democrats and Hollywood actors still defend him to
this day, including, Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorcese, Woody Allen, David
Lynch, Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodovar, Tilda Swinton and Monica Bellucci.

Democratic State Senator from Alaska, George Jacko, was found guilty of SEXUAL
HARASSMENT of an UNDERAGE legislative page.

Democratic State Representative candidate for Colorado, Andrew Myers, was
convicted for possession of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY and enticing CHILDREN.

Democratic Illinois Congressman, Gus Savage was investigated by the Democrat-
controlled House Committee on Ethics for attempting to rape an UNDERAGE female
Peace Corps volunteer in Zaire. The Committee concluded that while the events
did occur his apology was sufficient and took no further action.

Democratic activist, donor, and spokesperson for Subway, Jared Fogle, was
convicted of distribution and receipt of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY and traveling to
engage in illicit SEXUAL conduct with a MINOR.

Democratic State Department official, Carl Carey, under Hillary Clinton's state
department, was arrested on ten counts of CHILD PORN possession.

Democratic Maine Assistant Attorney General, James Cameron, was sentenced to
just over 15 years in federal prison for seven counts of CHILD PORN possession,
receipt and transmission.

Democratic State Department official, Daniel Rosen, under Hillary Clinton's
state department, was arrested and charged with allegedly soliciting SEX from a
MINOR over the internet.

Democratic State Department official, James Cafferty, pleaded guilty to one
count of transportation of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.

Democratic radio host, Bernie Ward, plead guilty to one count of sending CHILD
PORNOGRAPHY over the Internet.

Democratic deputy attorney general from California, Raymond Liddy, was arrested
for possession of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.

Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, has resigned and was
charged with possession of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY and has been accused of bragging
at an online site about Sexually MOLESTING a 6-year-old GIRL.

Democratic spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr,
was charged with distribution and possession of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.

Democratic Radnor Township Board of Commissioners member, Philip Ahr, resigned
from his position after being charged with possession of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY and
abusing CHILDREN between 2 and 6 YEARS-OLD.

Democratic activist and BLM organizer, Charles Wade, was arrested and charged
with human TRAFFICKING and UNDERAGE prostitution.

Democratic Texas attorney and activist, Mark Benavides, was charged with having
SEX with a MINOR, inducing a CHILD under 18 to have SEX and compelling
prostitution of at least nine legal clients and possession of CHILD
PORNOGRAPHY. He was found guilty on six counts of SEX TRAFFICKING.

Democratic Virginia Delegate, Joe Morrissey, was indicted on charges connected
to his relationship with a 17-year-old GIRL and was charged with supervisory
indecent liberties with a MINOR, electronic solicitation of a MINOR, possession

Democratic Massachusetts Congressman, Gerry Studds, was censured by the House
of Representatives after he admitted to an INAPPROPRIATE RELATIONSHIP with a
17-year-old page.

Democratic Former Mayor of Stillwater, New York, Rick Nelson was plead guilty
to five counts of possession of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY of CHILDREN less than 16
years of age.

Democratic Former Mayor of Clayton, New York, Dale Kenyon, was indicted for
SEXUAL acts against a teenager.

Democratic Former Mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, Richard Keenan, was given a life
sentence in jail for RAPING a 4-year-old GIRL.

Democratic Former Mayor of Winston, Oregon, Kenneth Barrett, was arrested for
setting up a meeting to have SEX with a 14-year-old GIRL who turned out to be a
police officer.

Democratic Former Mayor of Randolph, Nebraska, Dwayne L. Schutt, was arrested
and charged with four counts of felony third-degree SEXUAL ASSAULT of a CHILD
and one count of intentional CHILD ABUSE.

Democratic Former Mayor of Dawson, Georgia, Christopher Wright, was indicted on
the charges of aggravated CHILD MOLESTATION, aggravated SODOMY, rape, CHILD
MOLESTATION and STATUTORY RAPE of an 11-year-old BOY and a 12-year-old GIRL.

Democratic Former Mayor of Stockton, California, Anthony Silva, was charged
with providing alcohol to YOUNG adults during a game of strip poker that
included a 16-year-old BOY at a camp for underprivileged CHILDREN run by the

Democratic Former Mayor of Millbrook, New York, Donald Briggs, was arrested and
charged with inappropriate SEXUAL contact with a person YOUNGER than 17.

Democratic party leader for Victoria County, Texas, Stephen Jabbour, plead
guilty to possession and receiving over half a million CHILD PORNOGRAPHIC

Democratic activist and fundraiser, Terrence Bean, was arrested on charges of
SODOMY and SEX ABUSE in a case involving a 15-year-old BOY and when the alleged
victim declined to testify, and the judge dismissed the case.

Democratic Party Chairman for Davidson County, Tennessee, Rodney Mullin,
resigned amid CHILD PORNOGRAPHY allegations. Democratic activist, Andrew
Douglas Reed, pleaded guilty to a multiple counts of 2nd-degree SEXUAL
exploitation of a MINOR for producing CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.

Democratic official from Terre Haute, Indiana, David Roberts was sentenced to
federal prison for producing and possessing CHILD PORNOGRAPHY including placing
hidden cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms at a home he shared with two MINOR
female victims.

Democratic California Congressman, Tony Cárdenas, is being sued in LA County
for allegedly SEXUALLY ABUSED a 16-year-old GIRL. Democratic aide to Senator
Barbara Boxer, Jeff Rosato, plead guilty to charges of trading in CHILD

Democratic Alaskan State Representative, Dean Westlake, resigned from his seat
after the media published a report alleging he fathered a CHILD with a 16-year-
old GIRL when he was 28. Democratic New Jersey State Assemblyman, Neil Cohen,
was convicted of possession and distribution of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.
Chips Loral
2024-06-27 20:28:11 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
NP: John Williams -
How'd you lose that Sleazynews account Rudey?

Are they charging you their $500 SPAM cleanup fee, little man Ball?

And where did your Giganews account run off to?
2024-06-26 16:54:16 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
Does anyone have any idea why?
I do.
Since Rudy Canoza, the forever mental and physical midget, has *NEVER* been a
three sport letterman, like me, and who was *NEVER* a bouncer, like me, and who
was *NEVER* an assistant golf pro, like me, and who was *NEVER* a lifeguard,
like me, and who *NEVER* dunked a basketball, like me, and has *NEVER* laid as
many women as me...

Says the insecure man!
2024-06-29 00:00:52 UTC
On Wed, 26 Jun 2024 09:54:16 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Does anyone have any idea why?
I do.
Since Rudy Canoza, the forever mental and physical midget, has *NEVER* been a
three sport letterman, like me, and who was *NEVER* a bouncer, like me, and who
was *NEVER* an assistant golf pro, like me, and who was *NEVER* a lifeguard,
like me, and who *NEVER* dunked a basketball, like me, and has *NEVER* laid as
many women as me...
Says the insecure man!
Says the insecure man, who's SO insecure, he had to reply to which was not
addressed to him.

No insecurity... I just know how much Rudy's been jealous of me for years now,
and how it eats him up that I can call him on most EVERYTHING he posts.

Remember, stupid... Rudy's the one who started ALL of this shit.

I've *NEVER* posted those things in ANY context, other than in passing.

Example: Someone would talk about golf in ANY context and I might add a little
PERSONAL knowledge ABOUT golf, but only mentioning what I did, not WHO I was
because of what I did.

I HAPPENED to be the assistant to the golf pro at a country club. *NEVER* did I
boast or brag on that fact.

Rudy's the one who started this "*NEVER* a golf pro" bullshit.

Not ONCE did I EVER post these things in ANY context other than simply
informing of my life's experiences.

On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch, the narcissist, aka
Neutered Pussy - *NOT* a three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a
golf pro, *NEVER* a lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER*
been laid, but just a pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-
oozing fairy - *capitulated* and *submitted* to Rudy and then lied:

I *NEVER* said I was a "golf pro", so it's rather easy to see how Rudy has lied
for years.

Says the man sooo insecure, he can't bring himself to post his OWN articles on


THIS is Joe Biden when not on drugs or stimulants and acts like himself:

"Donald Trump says he thinks Roberreedrrrrrubbberroeoverturning Roe v. Wade was
a beautiful thing!


















Ladies and Gentlemen... I give you the Democrats' best: Old-Rich-White-
Religious Freak, Joe Biden

Or As Old-Rich-White-Religious Freak, Joe Biden Would Say: "Labadies and
Gntlmn... I gve yu the Dmcrts' bst."


Joe Bidden Completely Forgets What He's Talking About In Excruciating Press

Joe Biden Gets Completely LOST in Middle of a Story

Biden tries to explain the Covid bill. This moron is President? Wow.

Biden's Dementia Flares Up, Has Complete Mental Short-Circuit During Speech

Out-Performed Every Presidential Challenger In US History?

Joe Biden: You Just Wonder

Joe Biden Fumbles Through Speech

Joe Biden Embarrassingly Delivers his WORST Speech while 'President Elect'

Barely There Biden Makes No Sense

Joe Biden Stumbles, Makes No Sense

Joe Biden Makes No Sense, Forgets When The 1918 Flu Pandemic Occurred

Joe Biden making Zer0 sense

Joe Biden Told Voters To "Go To" A Phone Number. Now, He Still Makes Zero
